Out of Sight, Out of Crime

We make it So Easy for thieves — they just cruise through your neighborhood, until they see your package — in plain sight.

We all do things to try to deter theft ; we lock our doors. we leave lights on to make it appear that someone is home.

We don’t leave our garage door open when we go to work all day, do we ? Of course not — that would be like “inviting” theft to happen.

So why do people leave hundreds of dollars of packages sitting out in plain sight all day ?

Don’t enable theft to happen — Get Your Packages Out of Sight !

For only $50 (with free shipping), it’s the most efficient precaution you can take !

Package theft is a crime of opportunity; if the thief cannot see something easy to steal, they’ll drive right on by.

Thieves are looking for an easy target; they don’t want to be questioned or confronted by homeowners or neighbors, so they will not approach your house unless they are certain there is something to easily steal.  So don’t make yourself an easy target.

Even if the Package Hiderâ„¢ enclosure is visible from the street, the thief does not know if there is anything inside — so why would they take any unnecessary risk ?  Therefore, you don’t need expensive, complicated lock boxes; the Package Hider is a cost-effective, practical solution to solve this problem.

Features :

Storage Area — Standard PH configuration’s spacious 18″W x 20″ L x 19″H can accept large boxes and multiple deliveries, and is larger than other solutions. L-Shape and Extended PH configs double or triple the Standard dimensions.

Cost — Even though the PH design has significantly more storage space and offers adjustability/expandability, it is a fraction of the cost of other solutions on the market.

Adjustable configuration — allows you to adapt the enclosure shape to work around existing porch furniture, and even expand to accept over-sized boxes.

Modular expansion — front and side extender modules can double the already spacious storage area if needed for times of heavy delivery traffic, such as during the Holidays.

Ease of Use — minimal impact to the delivery person’s routine will help ensure they will take the time to place packages within.  PH’s “open” design means no locks to mess with, or restricted enclosure space slowing down their delivery time.

Weather resistant — PH is 100% made of plastic materials to hold up to weather conditions.  PH materials are also recyclable.

Made in the USA — PH components are all made in the USA.  While it is true that costs could be reduced by sourcing materials off-shore, we hope that US consumers will appreciate that we prefer to conserve American jobs.